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Secured $12.5 million for Mule Deer recovery efforts in Utah

Secured 60 co-sponsors from 32 states on introduced wolf management bill

Organized congressional event (13 Congressmen/Senators speak to industry leaders)

Provide education re: unmanaged wolves at 50+ sportsmen events nationwide


Sent 75,000 messages to Congress in support of wolf management bills

Wolf delisting in MY, WY, ID, and UT

Wolf deslisting in Western Great Lakes

Wolf delisting in Wyoming


Golden Moose Award for Best Conservation Show - MacMillan River Adventures wolf show


Block attempt to place wolves in Baca National Wildlife Refuge

Successfully defend wolf delisting legislation in federal district court and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

Directed legal efforts for wolf management in Gardiner, Montana

Filed as intervenor protecting Wyoming's wolf delisting


Completed research and analysis on sage-grouse conservation efforts in Utah


Secured co-sponsors from states to delay listing of the Greater Sage-grouse

Greater Sage-grouse listing unwarranted