The five-year average for 2007-12 was 3.5 million newcomers a year. Increases in participation were especially noteworthy when it came to women, children and Hispanics. Unit 2B, which surrounds Pittsburgh, still had more than 50,000 tags available. The big fish for the event was an 8-pound, 7-ounce walleye. Bob Frye is a staff writer for Trib Total Media.
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Montana offers about 17,000 big game combination licenses and 6,600 deer combination licenses to nonresident hunters. As of Friday afternoon, more than 1,700 big game combos, nearly 1,700 elk combos and more than 550 deer combos remained. The total undersold licenses amount to more than $3.3 million in potential revenue for FWP. Montana sells the big game combination license for $971, the elk combination license for $821 and the deer combo for $575. FWP is considering asking the...
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...on the game management area, and many will open for hunting Oct. 11 and end on Jan. 25. The daily limit for most geese is four, but the daily bag limit for cackling geese increased in southwest Washington from three to four. The overall hunting harvest quota for dusky Canada geese in southwest Washington is up from 45 to 85 birds. As in past seasons, hunters are limited to one dusky Canada goose a season in southwest Washington. Last year, waterfowl hunters found the season from...
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Bear bait -- buckets filled with crumbling pastries and skinned beaver -- rattled against a tree stand in the truck bed. A registered master Maine guide and owner of Mid Maine Outfitters in LaGrange, he has been guiding black bear hunters for the past 25 years. After 25 years establishing 100 bait sites in the central Maine woods, he knows them all by heart.
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No Limit on Utah Archery Elk Permits If you haven't obtained an archery big game hunting permit yet, no problem-there's still a chance to hunt in Utah this fall. Permits for Utah's general archery bull elk hunt are not limited in number. You can get one anytime between now and the end of the Sanpete Valley extended archery elk hunt on Dec. 31. The general archery elk hunt starts Aug. 16. Justin Shannon, big game coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources, says elk are doing really well in Utah. He says the state is home to more than 80,000 elk. "Taking an elk with a bow and arrow is a challenge," Shannon says, "but plenty of elk are out…
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Mike Green, R-Mayville. "One in six Michiganders hunt or fish. If lawmakers pass the legislation, it will automatically become law. If they reject it or do nothing, the issue will go on the November general election ballot.
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...wolf hunting," Fritz said. Lawmakers "have an opportunity to restore respect for the democratic process by rejecting an initiative put forth by the pro-wolf-hunting group Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management." This is the second effort by Keep Michigan Wolves Protected to end the hunt through a voter referendum. In 2013, the group succeeded in putting the issue on the ballot, but the Legislature passed a law circumventing it and authorizing the first wolf hunt last year....
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The population declined to a point last year that DNR officials opted to cancel the state's very limited moose hunting season, after years of scaling back the number of licenses offered. Information about the program is available on the DNR website at The new plates are available now at county deputy registrar offices statewide.
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...climate change mean for denning habitat that wolverines prefer."He added, "It's possible wolverines are adapting and continuing to adapt."Federal wildlife officials last year had said future temperature increases could melt snowfields in high elevation mountain ranges in the Lower 48 states where wolverines are found. They called for increased protections to keep the species from going extinct.The first...
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