The U.S. Army previously used the planes in Afghanistan and Iraq, operator Mark Bauer said. The USGS office is evaluating how well the technology works for research purposes.
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Helens Wildlife Area on the upper North Toutle mudflow. Only two dead elk were found in the mild winter of 2009-2010, but 71 winter-killed elk were detected in 2012-13. Helens completed in 1994. --Body fat levels in late fall from hunter-killed elk were about 8 percent for lactating elk and 10 percent for non-lacating elk.
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April 10--Residents of a southeast Boise neighborhood were notified Wednesday morning about a mountain lion attack on a dog, according to a Surprise Valley resident. Police encourage anyone who encounters a mountain lion to call 911. It's not the first mountain lion encounter reported this year. The following day, a jogger with a dog encountered a cougar in the Avimor Subdivision off Idaho 55 northeast of Eagle.
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Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife and WildEarth Guardians said a new federal plan would not reverse the lesser prairie chicken's decline because it would allow ongoing destruction of the bird's habitat. The groups said they intend to sue the Interior Department and Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act after a required 60-day waiting period. The potential suit comes two weeks after the Fish and Wildlife Service listed the grayish-brown bird as a...
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Officials worked to meet the needs of wildlife but also allow military training to continue, according to base Commander Col.
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Bea noted the department's acknowledgement that the Tongass is a unique situation with 29 of the 32 communities inside the national forest isolated from the highway system. But such an analysis second-guesses the USDA's decision based on 20/20 hindsight. That, to me, is unacceptable." As part of the 90-day petition, Fish and Wildlife is asking for comments and scientific data on the wolves of Southeast.
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Some have suggested a genetic rescue similar to the Florida panther situation in which Texas cougars were released in parts of Florida to bolster genetic diversity among the inbred Florida cats. The island's wolf population is stagnant, while moose are increasing. There was some good news last summer with two new pups born.
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PHOENIX -- The draw results for Arizona's 2014 elk and pronghorn antelope big game hunts are now available by visiting and scrolling down to the "View results and bonus points" link. Applicants can also find out if they were drawn by calling (602) 942-3000 and selecting option two. There were more than 140,000 applicants for this year's elk/pronghorn antelope draw for hunts or bonus points, and 26,041 tags were issued. The total number of applications, including those submitted on paper and online, was approximately 109,440. Hunt permit-tags for successful applicants, and refunds for unsuccessful or rejected applicants/applications (less application fees), are expected to be mailed out by April 18, pursuant to Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting and Trapping…
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MONTPELIER, Vt. - Hunting safely during turkey season is easy if you follow tips issued by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. In Vermont, May first is almost as important as the opening of the firearms deer season, and while spring turkey hunting-related shootings are rare (last year's season was incident-free) precautions are needed. Camouflage or drab colored clothing is almost mandatory to outwit a keen sighted gobbler. Unfortunately, camouflage has the same affect on other hunters as it has on the turkeys. "With a handful of exceptions, all of our incidents have been caused by hunters who didn't positively identify the target before they pulled the trigger," said Chris Saunders, Hunter Education Coordinator. "And the victim is usually another…
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Population Stable-Livestock Depredations Continue to Decline Montana's verified wolf population remained stable last year while livestock depredations by wolves continued to decline, dropping about 27 percent from 2012. A total of 627 wolves were counted in Montana at the end of 2013, compared to 625 last year, according to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' federally required annual wolf conservation and management report released today. "Among the best news is that confirmed wolf depredations on livestock took a significant drop in 2013," said FWP Director Jeff Hagener. "And that comes on top of fewer overall agency control actions than the previous year." Overall, Hagener said Montana's wolf population continues a stabilizing trend that's likely a combination of suitable habitats being filled,…
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