His ammunition grazed the side of Tolar's head. Tolar was alert and conscious when he was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola for his injuries. Kirkland said a person was seriously injured after they fell from a tree stand during the fall while hunting and broke several vertebrae. This was a hunting accident." Duck hunting season runs from Dec. 7 to Jan. 26.
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...has property in the Marion area, said he has seen significant declines in mule deer as well as elk. He suggested that for some areas, the state should adopt a trophy drawing for mule deer, possibly requiring they at least be three-point deer, or even closing some areas entirely. There was praise for an experimental mule deer regulation that was adopted for District 109 at the northern end of the Whitefish Range. The change required hunters to draw a permit to hunt mule deer bucks in the...
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Yet the value of the duck stamp has decreased by 40 percent as the price of land has tripled. Introducing the bill were Sens.
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The young sportsman hunt is open to hunters ages 6-16. During the young sportsman hunt, the child must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult at least 21. Multiple children may be accompanied by a single adult. The young sportsman hunt doesn't always account for as many harvested deer as a typical all-ages weekend. Hunters in Tennessee killed 165,791 in 2011-12 and 152,762 in 2010-11.
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Wolf hunters have a success rate of less than 1 percent, while trappers enjoy a success rate near 25 percent. Second, wolf trapping is time consuming and expensive. So they formed the foundation, a sort of wolf-trapping cooperative that essentially pays regular-joe trappers to kill wolves. People can join the group for $35. It was founded by dedicated elk hunters who were concerned about wolves and were hopeful trapping could help.
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Jan. 02--JEROME -- The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public comments on the 2014-15 and 2015-16 upland game, turkey and furbearer seasons. In the Magic Valley region, Fish and Game proposes: -- To add Rock Creek to the exceptions for beaver trapping in Blaine County to enhance recovery efforts, and to add part of Clover Creek to exceptions. Clover Creek would be closed to beaver trapping east of Bliss-Hill City Road. -- To add Niagara Springs Wildlife...
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Many continue to pander to sportsmen, which is why fees have not been raised since 2008. The agency controls just 40 percent of its budget; lawmakers handle the other 60 percent Game and Fish may have a friend in Gov. Five years of frozen funds is long enough.
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Biologists showed few Canada geese are usually in Kansas for Marshall's requested early November opener. Following the legislature's lead, the commission made it legal for all hunters to use crossbows during archery seasons. During some confusion, Armstrong told Brownback to shoot at two different turkeys.
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Day Fees will be waived at most U.S. Forest Service day-use recreation sites on Jan. 20 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
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Officials estimated the population at 2,211, but the survey was done in midwinter before wolf pups were born. The number of duck hunters is up, too. Deer management always is controversial, and the DNR has started to re-evaluate statewide deer population goals, aiming to finish by 2017.
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