Frank Church helped pass by managing the floor debate in the U.S. Senate. What was an idea became enshrined in legislation in 1964. It helped us redefine how we understand wilderness' role in human culture. But wilderness is not the same as wildness.
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But here in Montana, we needed wolf recovery to be a success. We needed the population to be delisted for management authority to be transferred from the feds to the state. California irrigators, for instance, must cope with the protection of the Delta smelt and other native aquatic species.
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...has property in the Marion area, said he has seen significant declines in mule deer as well as elk. He suggested that for some areas, the state should adopt a trophy drawing for mule deer, possibly requiring they at least be three-point deer, or even closing some areas entirely. There was praise for an experimental mule deer regulation that was adopted for District 109 at the northern end of the Whitefish Range. The change required hunters to draw a permit to hunt mule deer bucks in the...
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Yet the value of the duck stamp has decreased by 40 percent as the price of land has tripled. Introducing the bill were Sens.
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Wolf hunters have a success rate of less than 1 percent, while trappers enjoy a success rate near 25 percent. Second, wolf trapping is time consuming and expensive. So they formed the foundation, a sort of wolf-trapping cooperative that essentially pays regular-joe trappers to kill wolves. People can join the group for $35. It was founded by dedicated elk hunters who were concerned about wolves and were hopeful trapping could help.
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The season ended Saturday after the 220 wolf quota was reached. Hunters killed 88 wolves in Minnesota's early hunting-only season. Altogether, late-season hunters and trappers registered 135 wolves by midday Friday, bringing the annual total to 223.
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In 1989, Gordon Eastman made a number of predictions in a Jackson Wyoming newspaper regarding the then proposed reintroduction of wolves. A photo copy of a portion of that article is here. This article is a great example of the numerous warnings that while counter to the prediction of the advocates of Wolf reintroduction, were accurate and should have served as a warning of the huge challenges that would be created by allowing an apex predator to be reintroduced into western ecosystems.
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The season ended Saturday after the 220 wolf quota was reached. Hunters killed 88 wolves in Minnesota's early hunting-only season. Altogether, late-season hunters and trappers registered 135 wolves by midday Friday, bringing the annual total to 223.
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Idaho wolves can't bear to lose more pups, mothers and pack leaders than they already have.
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The northwest and northeast wolf zones were closed earlier. Hunters and trappers in the northwest killed 103 wolves; the target there was 89. Hunters and trappers killed 413 animals last year; the target harvest was 400.
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