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End of Daylight-Savings means watch out for wildlife

By October 23, 2014February 15th, 2016No Comments
DENVER — Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds Coloradans that daylights-saving time ends Nov. 2. As we fall back to an earlier end of the day, motorists should be on the lookout for migrating wildlife.
Fall is the breeding season for elk, deer and moose and males will pursue mates aggressively and may not be inhibited by traffic. In addition, as they migrate from their summer to winter range, ungulates are more active but less visible during this time of year.

Wildlife officials add that because bears are especially active during fall as they prepare for hibernation, collisions are common, especially at dusk and dawn.

“Bears need up to 20,000 calories each day and are constantly on the the move, especially at night, in search of food,” said a CPW Senior Terrestrial Biologist Brian Dreher. “It makes them more susceptible to getting hit by a car.

Wildlife officials caution motorists that collisions with wildlife can result in injuries and death, not only to the wild animal but to humans as well. They advise that reducing speed, following nighttime speed limits in migration corridors and being alert to their surroundings protects people as well as Colorado’s wildlife.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, the highest incidence of wildlife-vehicle collisions in 2013 occurred in the counties of La Plata, Jefferson, El Paso, Douglas, Garfield, Moffat, Larimer and Montezuma.

CPW and the Colorado State Patrol encourage travelers to slow down, stay alert, avoid distractions and watch for wildlife on Colorado’s scenic highways.

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Media Contact: Manda Walters 303-866-3203 X4608