April 30–Hunters have through Thursday, April 30, to apply for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat controlled hunts.
Apply at any Idaho Fish and Game office, licensed vendor, call (800) 554-8685 or go to fishandgame.idaho.gov. Mailed applications must be postmarked by April 30.
Hunters who apply for moose, goat or sheep may not apply for other controlled hunts in the same year except for controlled depredation hunt, a controlled black bear hunt, leftover controlled hunts, unlimited controlled hunts or extra controlled hunts.
The application period for fall deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear and fall turkey controlled hunts starts Friday, May 1, and runs through June 5. To apply, residents and nonresidents must have a valid 2015 Idaho hunting or combination license (apply at the same venues as above).
Drawing odds and harvest stats for controlled hunts are posted on Fish and Game’s website at fishandgame.idaho.gov and in the Idaho Hunt Planner on the site. Hunters can use harvest stats and drawing odds from the past 10 years to search for similar controlled hunts for this year.
Super Hunts are separate from other controlled hunts, and hunters can buy as many chances as they want for deer, elk, pronghorn and moose. Winners can participate in any open hunt for deer, elk, pronghorn or moose, including general hunts and controlled hunts, in addition to any general season or controlled hunt tags they also hold.
The first drawing in June will pick 26 hunters, each of whom will win one of 25 tags — eight elk, eight deer and eight pronghorn hunts as well as one moose hunt. One “Super Hunt Combo” entry also will be drawn that will entitle the winner to hunt for one each elk, deer, pronghorn and moose.
Super Hunt entries are $6 each. Super Hunt Combo entries are $20 each. No license is needed to enter a Super Hunt drawing.