PHOENIX -- The draw results for Arizona's 2014 elk and pronghorn antelope big game hunts are now available by visiting and scrolling down to the "View results and bonus points" link. Applicants can also find out if they were drawn by calling (602) 942-3000 and selecting option two. There were more than 140,000 applicants for this year's elk/pronghorn antelope draw for hunts or bonus points, and 26,041 tags were issued. The total number of applications, including those submitted on paper and online, was approximately 109,440. Hunt permit-tags for successful applicants, and refunds for unsuccessful or rejected applicants/applications (less application fees), are expected to be mailed out by April 18, pursuant to Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting and Trapping…
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MONTPELIER, Vt. - Hunting safely during turkey season is easy if you follow tips issued by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. In Vermont, May first is almost as important as the opening of the firearms deer season, and while spring turkey hunting-related shootings are rare (last year's season was incident-free) precautions are needed. Camouflage or drab colored clothing is almost mandatory to outwit a keen sighted gobbler. Unfortunately, camouflage has the same affect on other hunters as it has on the turkeys. "With a handful of exceptions, all of our incidents have been caused by hunters who didn't positively identify the target before they pulled the trigger," said Chris Saunders, Hunter Education Coordinator. "And the victim is usually another…
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DURANGO, Colo. - All hunters and anglers who are concerned about wildlife and related issues are invited to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Southwest Region "Sportsmen's Roundtable" meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., April 14, at the Monte Vista Co-Op in the San Luis Valley. The meeting is part of the statewide "Sportsmen's Roundtable" process set up by Colorado Parks and Wildlife to assure that hunters and anglers statewide can provide input, concerns and discuss issues with leaders of the agency. During the first hour of the meeting a presentation about an ongoing elk research project will be given by local wildlife managers. In the South San Juan Mountains, Parks and Wildlife biologists have put radio-telemetry collars on elk to monitor their movements…
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...door meeting today, were culled from a list of 13 applicants, according to a Game and Fish spokeswoman. They are: --Edward "Ted" Koch -- a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employee. --Brian Wakeling -- an Arizona Game and Fish Department employee. --Alexandra J. Sandoval -- a New Mexico Department of Game and Fish employee. --Matthew Wunder -- a New Mexico Department of Game and Fish employee. The Game Commission is expected to conduct finalist...
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But if they weren't licensed they couldn't provide any other benefits. He said things like trail rides on flat ground didn't need to be licensed.
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...the decision by the Payette National Forest to close 70 percent of the forest to domestic sheep grazing to protect wild bighorn sheep. U.S. 9th Circuit Judge Wallace Tashima denied a motion by the Idaho Wool Growers Association to overturn the 2010 decision by Payette National Forest Supervisor Suzanne Rainville aimed at separating domestic and bighorn sheep. Tashima ruled the Forest Service had followed the preponderance of evidence that domestic sheep carry diseases to the wild sheep...
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That increase is due to the addition of funds that were not included because of last year's government sequester. The bulk of the money, $2.3 million, went to the DIF's fisheries division.
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Clair, are not being considered for higher deer population goals. He believes a chief culprit could be epizootic hemorrhagic disease, or EHD. "Personally, I believe it's disease.
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The new seasons include an increase in elk controlled hunt and pronghorn tags and expanded wolf hunting and trapping seasons.
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At least I do," Causer said. What they're hearing is that there's a lot of unhappiness out there, said Rep. Joe Emrick (R-Northampton County) took exception to that, citing a commission-sponsored telephone survey of Pennsylvania residents selected at random. The hunters are the experts," he said. Two sportsmen's groups also offered testimony.
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