If you enjoy hunting waterfowl or upland game in Utah, you can add something fun to your hunt while helping the birds and animals you pursue. This fall, the Division of Wildlife Resources is offering seven Waterfowl Slams and seven Upland Game Slams. If you complete a waterfowl slam, you'll receive a colorful Waterfowl Slam leg band, perfect for hanging on a lanyard. Complete an upland game slam, and you'll receive a colorful Upland Game Slam "coin." Each coin looks like the brass end of a shotgun shell and is laser engraved with the slam details. Every time you complete a slam, you'll receive a different leg band or coin. Also, if you're one of the first 500 people to…
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Please Participate in an Upcoming "Be Bear Aware" Educational Seminar Upcoming in Driggs, Idaho, sponsored by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition in partnership with Idaho Fish& Game and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest Friday, Oct. 10, 2014 from 5-7 pm Driggs Community Center FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC -DRIGGS- Gregg Losinski, the Regional Conservation Educator for the Upper Snake Region with the State of Idaho, Department of Fish and Game, is the featured speaker for this event. Based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mr. Losinski serves on the team of agency representatives who are working to delist the grizzly bear in the Yellowstone Ecosystem (Yellowstone Ecosystem Subcommittee, YES). He leads the committee responsible for information and education regarding for grizzly bear recovery…
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LAKEWOOD, Colo. - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is seeking public comment on a draft environmental assessment (Draft EA) regarding the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's proposed land exchange on the Wick Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA) in Carbon County, Wyoming. Public comments will be accepted for a 15-day period, which starts on October 3, 2014 and ends October 18, 2014. The Service is reviewing a proposed grant for an exchange of an isolated parcel of the Wick WHMA containing 160 acres located outside the main boundary of the WHMA. This parcel provides no public access for recreational use and does not provide quality habitat needs for big game species. In return, WGFD will receive a 160-acre private…
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...deer hunters tend be roughly split between mule deer hunters in the south and east, and whitetail hunters in the north and central parts of the state. Last year's harvest was split 53 percent mule deer and 47 percent whitetails. Whitetail hunters tend to have a higher success rate because of long seasons, generous doe hunting and open hunts during the November rut. Most mule deer hunters are limited to about three weeks in October and buck-only hunting. Harvest...
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No doubt we've lost a lot of habitat, and we're going to lose a lot. The trend is downward, but it seems contradictory. "Why are ducks going up? North Dakota's CRP acreage peaked at more than 3 million acres in 2006 and now stands at less than 1 million acres.
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ting units in the Southeast Region have general mule deer hunting opportunities for antlered deer. So while the harvest held steady, the success rate dropped, but was still a respectable 21 percent overall. Why did hunters buy 5,500 more elk tags? The total elk killed, or the percentage of hunters who were successful? On paper, things are looking better in much of the state for elk hunters.
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IDFG spokesman. "The idea behind these mentored hunts is to provide the young participants and their parent (or legal guardian) the opportunity to be paired with an experienced waterfowl hunter who can show them how to hunt ducks and geese. "This quality hunting experience is intended to provide the youth and their guardian the training needed to repeat the experience on their own." Sign up: For the three IDFG hunts, call (208) 769-1414. For the Silver Valley DU hunt, contact...
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The five-year average for 2007-12 was 3.5 million newcomers a year. Increases in participation were especially noteworthy when it came to women, children and Hispanics. Unit 2B, which surrounds Pittsburgh, still had more than 50,000 tags available. The big fish for the event was an 8-pound, 7-ounce walleye. Bob Frye is a staff writer for Trib Total Media.
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Montana offers about 17,000 big game combination licenses and 6,600 deer combination licenses to nonresident hunters. As of Friday afternoon, more than 1,700 big game combos, nearly 1,700 elk combos and more than 550 deer combos remained. The total undersold licenses amount to more than $3.3 million in potential revenue for FWP. Montana sells the big game combination license for $971, the elk combination license for $821 and the deer combo for $575. FWP is considering asking the...
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...on the game management area, and many will open for hunting Oct. 11 and end on Jan. 25. The daily limit for most geese is four, but the daily bag limit for cackling geese increased in southwest Washington from three to four. The overall hunting harvest quota for dusky Canada geese in southwest Washington is up from 45 to 85 birds. As in past seasons, hunters are limited to one dusky Canada goose a season in southwest Washington. Last year, waterfowl hunters found the season from...
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